The snow is gone, the grass is attempting to turn green, and I took the last 40-pound bag of salt intended for the driveway and dumped it into the water softener's brine tank. (Of course, it'll probably snow and freeze again as soon as I did that)
I've got a 3-day weekend starting today. To shake the winter doldrums, I'm getting a head-start on reloading at my bench in the garage. I've got 5 pounds of Goex Cartridge BP (none of that girly Pyrodex or Triple Se7en crap for me, thank you!) that needs to be distributed into smaller 70-grain proportions, and several hundred 500-550gr .459" cast bullets that need to be lube-sized and situated on top of those 70-grain BP charges.

I suppose I could take the laptop out into the garage, but the TV and stereo out there are already dangerous distractions. So I'll just put some music on, and after a bit, I'll have 20 more of these ready to go:

That's at least a start, and will get me closer to what I need for practice, and for the 2007 Quigley Match this June. I know, y'all are jealous, aren't you?
1 comment:
Good words.
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